Paide SRIK became a part of SRIK-network in Estonia, which started with Tallinna SRIK in 2001.
PSRIK was the initiative of local people, in later phase local municipality was involved, by now PSRIK is mainly financed by Paide municipality. Also the buildings used by Paide SRIK belong to Paide town.
Our aim is to promote sustainable lifestyle and to evaluate architectural heritage as a very important part of really valuable living environment. It is not allways necessary to build something new or use new materials. Often it is possible to renovate old buildings re-using and renovating existing building materials and reviving valuable traditional skills. Our aim is to help house-owners in Paide and Järva county to appreciate their property in old-town and to preserve it. However, we do not think that old buildings must become a part of dead museum - they must be used, because active usage have been the reasoon why they emerged in first place.
More information about our activities you can find here:
Database of our old materials warehouse (in estonian).
Database of our section of Majatohter renovation-shop (in estonian).
The website of Estonian SRIK's (in estonian)
Beginning of 2010 Paide SRIK is a partner of Lifelong Learning Program ARCHE, Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation.
The aim of the project is preservation of European architectural history through the establishment of Building Archives and transfer of knowledge about heritage conservation and restoration workshops for relevant professional groups.
In the recent years historical building materials were often abolished for financial reasons until people got aware of their historical and cultural value because it documents the traditional skilled manual work of the past epoch and serve for protection of resources. Visible expression of this is the Saxon construction archive, whose concept has been developed in cooperation with the Chamber of Crafts Leipzig, the Saxon State Agency for Historic Preservation and the Craft and Conservation Association. The project objective is to set up such centers of excellence for knowledge on preservation in the partner countries, in which knowledge is to be collected and exhibited as well as passed on in the form of restoration workshops. This will contribute to maintaining the European cultural heritage, vocational education and training and sustainable use of resources.
Applicant organization:
Förderverein für Handwerk und Denkmalpflege e.V. -Gutshof Trebsen (Germany)
Management coordinator:
Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft mbH (Germany)
Project partners:
Säästva Renoveerimise Infokeskuse Paide Ühendus (Estonia)
”Send” Associazione di promozione sociale (Italy)
İstanbul İl Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (Turkey)
Project number:
LLP-LdV-TOI-2010-DE-147 327
Funded in:
Lifelong Learning Program, Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation